Thursday, November 24, 2022

FUSION - Christmas Chalkboard

Welcome to Fusion!  Before we get to the challenge and the fabulous design team cards, I would like to announce that this challenge will be our last.  The decision to close down the challenge didn't come easily and a lot of factors were taken into account.

The Fusion Card Challenge was started by Lesley Croghan and Jackie Rockwell back in April 2013 and Lesley handed the reins over to me (Karren) in January 2017, so all up, that's a lot of inspiration!  Over the years, we have had fabulously talented design team members and wonderful players.  I would like to thank the design team members, past and present, for providing such amazing inspiration and I would like to thank every single one of our players over the last 9 1/2 years for sharing your creativity and talent with us.

At the end of this challenge, the team will choose our Honorable Mentions and Main Winner as usual, so please play along.  We would love to see you in our gallery!

1. Play with just the sketch challenge.
2. Play with just the inspiration photo challenge.
3. Or you can create FUSION by combining BOTH challenges into one card.
4. Use the challenge graphic and link back to Fusion in your post.
5. Please read the other considerations on the Our Rules Page before playing along.

Here are some fabulous cards by our design team showing you how it works!

This challenge will end at 11.55pm pacific time on Tuesday 6 December 2022


  1. My dear Fusion friends - I am so very sad to say goodbye! Thank you for all these years of inspiration! You will be missed!
    =] Michele

  2. awwwww, thank you so much for all of the amazing inspiration over the years!!!

  3. Wow so sad to hear that this is the last Fusion challenge. I started late participating and have so enjoyed it. - I understand though. Wishing all of you a wonderful holiday season.

  4. I am sad to learn that this is the last Fusion challenge! Although I didn't play too many of the challenges, I enjoyed all the inspirations just the same. Thank you!!

  5. I may not have played as often as I would have liked, but I checked in on this challenge every single time it went live. I am sad to see it close but understand how much work it entails. Congrats to a very long run and thanks for all the team past and present did to inspire us.

  6. Thank you for all of the years of inspiration. So sad to see the challenge go.

  7. So sad to see (another one of) my favorite challenges coming to an end. Thank you so much to the DT for all the years of amazing inspiration!

  8. I'm so sad to hear that this will be your last challenge. I've enjoyed the years of inspiration from the DT and participants. All the best to you!

  9. This made me so sad! I've loved this challenge and will be so sorry to see it leave us! Thank you ALL so much for the years of fun crafty mojo inspiration! :)

  10. I'm sorry to see the end of a wonderful challenge. Thanks to all the Design Teams, past and present, for all their inspiration.

  11. I am going to miss y'all and this amazing challenge!!! Thanks for the fun!!

  12. I was on the DT for a while back in the beginning of Fusion! - so sorry to see the challenge closing!

  13. I hate to see another challenge close.😒Thank you, Karren, and all members of the Design Team, both present and over many years in the past! The inspiration has been amazing! Hugs, Darnell

  14. I am sad and will miss playing along with this fun challenge. But understand and send best wishes to yall as you move on!!

  15. I was so sad to read this is the final challenge. I didn't play all the time, but I always checked in each time a new challenge was posted. Thanks for all of the amazing inspiration over the years! I hope the blog stays up so we can continue to draw inspiration from the old challenges, look at the sketches, etc.

  16. Sorry to see you go! I just found you recently but have enjoyed your challenges and inspiration!! Thank you!

  17. Sorry to hear that you've decided to end. To all who've contributed to "Fusion" over the years, thanks for sharing your time and creativity! I've got 7 DT commitments and owning 3 challenge blogs myself that have made this my busiest year of crafting and blogging. I totally get it. In the past 12 years of blogging, I've had many short breaks due to work, life, or health issues. I totally get it. Best wishes!
